What worked in my biz and what didn’t in 2023

Join me in celebrating what worked, and what didn’t in my business over the past year!

My word for 2023 was “Expansion”, and my inner world expanded massively this past year. On the business front, I LOVE seeing other people’s business stats, so I wanted to share mine with you!

The year at a glance

  • Clients served: 20

  • Brands crafted: 6

  • Websites launched: 5

  • Retainer clients: 5

  • Hours tracked: 284

  • Work trips: 1


What worked

This year was one of personal growth and learning to trust myself and lean into my power.

Attracting aligned clients
Every single client that I had in 2023 was a dream client. It really is incredible what can happen when you put the time and effort into your brand strategy and mindset. When you fully believe with all of your being that you’re calling in the right souls, they will find you.

A slower pace
Leaning into my Human Design (I’m a Projector), I spent the least amount of time possible at my desk. I made time for spacious, easy mornings, time with my family, and time to be spontaneous. This filled my cup, my energy, and re-energized my creative battery.

Investing in myself
This year I invested heavily into 3 different courses to propel my personal and professional growth. One course was Brand Design focused, one was Human Design focused, and one was Communication focused. I 100% recommend investing in yourself and your growth!

Asking for help
Did you know that if you ask for help, your life will become 1000x easier? Who knew, lol! I’ve spent a good part of my life as a chronic perfectionist / hyper independent woman, to a detriment. This year I really leaned into softening myself and asking for the help I need.

Moving my body
Working a desk job is so hard on your body, so I finally decided to jump back into my yoga practice, which I had neglected for a VERY long time. I love doing a quick bedtime yoga flow and if the mornings allow, a nice energizing flow to get the day started off on the right foot. I’ve now become addicted to how good it feels to stretch my body in ways that I don’t normally.


What didn’t quite work

My Semi-Custom brands were a flop
I put in a ton of hours and love while crafting my Semi-Custom Brands, but the launch was a flop, and it took about 5 months for someone to finally purchase one. To date I have sold only that one, but I am SO grateful for it. I know that it will have a huge impact on her business!

I didn’t reach my revenue goal
While I didn’t quite reach my goal for 2023, I did increase my revenue by 6% over last year, which is worth celebrating.

I never got around to creating digital products
One of my goals for 2024 is to actually launch digital products (guides, mini courses, templates etc) for all of you DIY lovers who want to learn more about brand strategy and design, website strategy and design, and better ways to serve your clients and customers!


What’s ahead for 2024?

My word for 2024 is “Presence”. Which means that I will be spending a lot less time on social media, and more time being present in my real life.

I plan to continue to blogging, sending weekly email updates, and posting on social media, but I will be spending much less time scrolling. I deleted Instagram off of my phone on December 22, and I don’t plan to put it back on. I can easily catch up with people on my laptop, and schedule my posts from my laptop as well using the Plann app.

As for right now, I’m trusting the Universe’s plan for me, and will see where it takes me this year. It worked out pretty dang well in 2023 (as it always does).


Forever cheering you on,



Want it done for you?

If you’re done with trying to DIY your branding, let’s chat about how I can help you get your time (and life) back!


Currently in my Amazon Cart

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