Homepage flow for your online shop

Have you ever set up your own website, but had no friggen clue what to put on the home page? You’re not alone, my friend! Let me take you through my tried and true home page flow for your online shop.

1) Hero Banner

The hero is the first thing that users see when they hit your website. Make sure your hero image is great quality, and make your hero message punchy and memorable. This can also be used to promote a new collection or sale you’re having. It’s a great idea to include a “Shop Now” button to encourage people dive right into your products.

2) Introduction

What is your business? How do you help people? Put that here, but keep it short. Nobody will be reading your entire mission statement within 4 seconds of landing on your website for the first time, I promise.

3) Your Guarantees / Values

Adding a 4-column section with icons and text that outline your guarantees and/or values is a great way to let visitors know what you stand for. This allows visitors to immediately start resonating with your brand and will help create connection and trust, and people buy from businesses they trust.

4) Your Products

Consider showing 4-6 featured products on your home page so that people scrolling your home page can get an idea of what you offer. These featured products can be best-sellers, new products, or products that are currently on sale. You’ll want to keep it fresh for returning users as well. If you’ve just launched a new collection, put that here. We want to make it as easy as possible for people to find exactly what they’re looking for, otherwise you WILL lose sales. Website users are VERY impatient.

5) Your Collections

For the people who haven’t navigated to a product or page yet, consider listing your collections (categories) on your home page as well. This will allow potential customers to see the variety that you offer and will grab their attention easier than a text link in the navigation.

6) Testimonials / Praise

There are people who love you, your business, and what you offer, so let everyone else know! Add a testimonial or three to your home page to provide new visitors with some social proof of how awesome your products are.

7) About You

Always, always, always have an About section on your website. Include a photo of yourself, a little bio (2-3 sentences), and your general location. Have a button that links to your full About page, where you can dive into your mission and why you do what you do. People want to see the real people behind a business, which helps builds trust and ultimately leads to more sales. Whenever I visit an online store and I can’t figure out where the business is located or who runs it, I’m outta there faster than the speed of light.

8) Email Signup

An email signup is always a great idea, even if you don’t do anything with it for the first while. Collect those email addresses! If possible, offer users an incentive to sign up, like a discount code or exclusive access to new products. Social media is great, but you don’t own your account and it can be taken down at the drop of a hat with no explanation. Email is also the #1 highest converting marketing tool these days. Secure your audience through your email list ASAP!


I hope you take this newfound knowledge and run with it. Open up your website editor and get to work on building out your new home page! Send me an email or tag me on Instagram and show me what you’ve done. I can’t wait to see! ✨


Forever cheering you on,



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